Pocahontas Community School District, a caring and collaborative learning community, recognizes and provides support and opportunities for all students to achieve intellectual and personal excellence, while being engaged in 21st Century teaching and learning.
Please be sure to let the office know each morning if your student will not be attending that day.
The office will need a reason as to why your child will be absent. You may leave a message on the voicemail with your student's full name and the reason for their absence. The number to call is 712-335-4848. Dial 2 for the MS/HS.
If your student has been marked absent by a teacher for two or more periods during the day, and we have not heard from you, you will receive an automated phone call. The time this call goes out may vary day to day. If you have forgotten to excuse them for the day, please do so after this call.
Students are not allowed to leave campus for lunch during the school year or during May Term. If a student leaves over the lunch period for an appointment, a medical or dental excuse will be required upon their return in order for their absence to be excused.
Except as provided in section 299.2, the parent, guardian, or legal or actual custodian of a child who is of compulsory attendance age, shall cause the child to attend some public school, an accredited nonpublic school, or competent private instruction in accordance with the provisions of chapter 299A, during a school year, as defined under section 279.10. The board of directors of a public school district or the governing body of an accredited nonpublic school shall set the number of days of required attendance for the schools under its control.
The board of directors of a public or the governing body of an accredited nonpublic school may, by resolution, require attendance for the entire time when the schools are in session in any school year and adopt a policy or rules relating to the reasons considered to be valid or acceptable excuses for absence from school.
Student Messages
As a courtesy to parents we will be glad to deliver messages to your student. However, things get busy in the office at times and if the message is time sensitive please try to communicate that with your child before the school day begins. We try our best not to interrupt teachers during classroom instruction.
Grades/Report Cards
Report cards are not mailed. All of your students information can be accessed through the Parent Portal. Please let us know if you need help in setting this up. You will have your own access and your student will have their own access. If you require a printed copy for insurance or other purposes please let us know and will gladly get one printed for you.
Sports Schedules should be available for students from their coaches. Please make sure your student brings one home so that you are aware of their practice and game times. These times vary from the district school calendar often. The schedule from the coach will be the most up to date.